The Coplin Family


30 weeks

I'm in the 30s now - shew!  Feeling it this week and pretty exhausted.  Maybe it's because I'm going non-stop and my body is telling me I need to slow down.  I know I need to, but that's so hard for me to do!  I pulled a shoulder blade muscle after a workout the other morning - or maybe it was a huge stress knot sliding under my blade and causing shooting pain - either way, not pleasant.  Also, I'm emotionally unstable right now due to pregnancy hormones, busyness, and lack of sleep I'm sure.  Poor Luke!   This week I've had 2 women in Kroger ask me, "when are you having that baby girl?"  I mean, how do they know?!  Is it because of how I'm carrying or what?  Anyway, it's fun to be asked and I'm getting treated with care by everyone at Kroger - one lady got my paper towels from the bottom of my basket :)  I'm sure this said treatment will go away once I have a screaming baby in my hands.  I will be going to Dr. appointments every 2 weeks now, so I will go next Wednesday and have an update after that.

This past weekend:
Our date night Friday went well - we went to Molly's La Casita - too bad I couldn't partake in a rita!   We are trying to go on as many date nights as possible before the arrival of Miss Toot :)

The Childbirth class went well on Saturday - just long and I could have done without those live birth videos (especially the episiotomy) but it was great to see the tour of the hospital.  That night we went out with Ryan and Erin Bledsoe (a newer couple in M101 - our Sunday school class) to Old Venice and then YoLo - mmmm!

Sunday Luke put up the last shutter and helped me so much around the house!

I made the crib skirt and used my sewing machine (that I got for a graduation present from mom) for the first time!  So fun!!  Glad I will hopefully get to use it more staying at home...
A look of concentration
The final product!  We still need to hang that abacus...

 This Tuesday our dear friends - Chris & Crystal Vitullo had their baby boy! Nicholas Brydon Vitullo weighed 7lbs. 4oz. and was just beautifu (the picture is not that good, sorry)l!!  Crystal was a champ and only labored about 4 hours - perfect delivery!  We've been to Methodist Hospital a lot lately...hopefully the next time we go back will be for the birth of Miss Toot!
Everyone is pregnant!  I found out that 3 of my friends are pregnant THIS WEEK alone!  I am not going to name names because I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone, but I'm just so excited that everyone is hopping on the baby train and that hopefully some of us will be SAHMs together :)

Other than that, I would like to post some picutes of the Christmas cheer in our home - the decorated tree, all the presents wrapped under it, and the Christmas lights we put out front this weekend, but we'll save that for next week :)  The Pampered chef party went well last night - only 3 people came, but it was fun!  Luke and I are going on a date night tonight to see "The Tourist" - pretty pumped, but I hope I don't fall asleep!  Tomorrow we have our Maternity photo shoot with David Desso with Desso Photography at the Collierville Square and then our Sunday school class Christmas party at night.  Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. The crib skirt looks great!! Can't wait to see pictures of the nursery once it's all put together. Hope you get some rest soon!

  2. I somehow found your blog - it looks like we have the same due date! You look great. I'll add your blog to my google reader so I can follow your pregnancy too. We're almost there!

  3. So fun Lindsay!! I'll add your blog to my list too :) We just had some maternity shots done by a friend and I cannot wait to get them back - yours look great! It's so fun to see someone going through the same stage of pregnancy. It's pretty crazy that I know at least 3 other girls that are due on Valentine's Day!

  4. that ass is so hot i envy hubby getting to put his cockin there
