No exciting news at the Coplin Commune. We've really enjoyed kicking back in this nice summer weather and I've been sticking with my P90X workout, which has been quite a time commitment. However, I must admit that week 4 was spread over 2 weeks because of Memorial Day and I wanted to add some running sessions to the mix. I started Phase 2 this week and haven't seen a huge difference yet, but Luke says he can. I'm just trying to have a healthy lifestyle. To add to all of that, Luke and I have flown through the first 2 seasons of LOST - pretty dang addicting.
Anyway, back to the title. Pippet has enjoyed not living the day in the kennel. We began leaving her in the front room of our house to watch out the window for over a month now. She was doing great until about 3 weeks in. I She began chewing on her bed's outter piping as well as the old pillow on the love seat. She also liked to knock the cushions off the love seat. She is a strange dog. I believe it is because she needs more off-leash exercise time and they have closed down the Forgey off leash dog park in Germantown where we used to take her weekly.
This is a pic of her and her dad, Dash, at that dog park:

This was the last day it was open to the public before they closed it down to instal electric gates among other maintenance. It will be until late June/early July until we can go back and with that we will have to start paying. Seems worth it because this is what she looks like after visiting the park. She looks kinda scary, but she was smiling in her sleep...pretty funny.

For now, Luke and I are trying to enjoy Memphis. We love Shelby Farms. There are great places to hike, run, and ride bikes. There is an off-leash dog park area there, but I'm not so sure I trust Pippet or other dogs off leash in such a huge, not compeletely fenced in area. So, we will stick to hiking on leash for now ;)

In other news,
Justin & Mandy Payne welcomed JAMES WILLIAM PAYNE!!!
Born 5/28/2009 at 12:57pm
7 pounds, 5 ounces / 20.5 inches
Mom and baby are doing great!
i'm still so sad about the park closing down. buford isn't going to know what to do with himself! and i'm so proud of your workout plan! hopefully i'll get my buns in gear once banks gets here...
ReplyDeleteThe picture of Pippet smiling is hilarious!! I love it!!